职位技能要求: 美国兴商地产诚招1.地产经纪人,2.门店经理 3.人事部经理 4办公室助理.
兴商集团(美国)股份有限公司成立于2016年,是北京市「兴商房地产経纪中心」全资子公司。公司计划年底前新增四个办公室(Rosemead,Arcadia, Rowland
Heights and Hacienda Heights),现招聘资深HR ,有执照的门店经理,地产经纪数名。公司提供带薪休假。非常欢迎经纪人加入我们的团队,公司的内部培训及个别辅导一定会带领各位与兴商地产共同壮大丶发展!
3.门店经理、人事部经理和办公室助理 (薪资面议)
公司地址1.:35 WValley Blvd, AlhambraCA 91801
公司地址2. : 7740 Garvey Ave Suite A, Rosemead CA 91770
Xingshang Group (USA) Inc.
BRE 02004315:
is now opening multiple positions in multiple locations. Positions offered:
1. Agents (with base salary or commission
only--your choice). We are able to provide our agents with base salary,
training, leads, floor time and sales assistants to help you with your deals
and transactions. Must have CA BRE license. Welcome NEW AGENTS to join Xingshang Group(USA)
2. Branch Manager(Must haveCA BRE license): We arelooking for team leaders in Rosemead, Arcadia,Rowland Heights, Hacienda Heights, Temple City, Walnut, Diamond Bar, Monterey Park, Chino Hills and other locations. You will lead a team of agents to expand business for the company. Must be experienced in real estate (residential
and/or commercial). Must have management experiences. English Resume is required for all above positions.
Our promotion channel is wide and open.
Come and join us and have career!
3.HR:Must be have experiences.
4.Assistant:English Mandarin fluent. Basic office software skill.
Please submit your Chinese & English resume to